
Competition Begins – Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2024


Competition Begins – Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2024

The Estonian Concrete Association and the Estonian Association of Construction Material Producers announce the “Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2024” competition. The goal of the competition is to enhance the reputation of concrete as a domestic building material and to promote the development of concrete architecture, concrete technology, and concrete construction.

“The high participation in Estonia’s oldest continuously running construction competition continues to demonstrate the diverse advantages of concrete, the most widely used building material,” said Imre Leetma, Chairman of the Estonian Concrete Association. “Each year, numerous buildings and structures are completed in Estonia where concrete plays a central role. We eagerly await the most outstanding projects to participate in our anniversary competition,” added Leetma.

Submissions for the concrete building competition can include:

  • Constructions – buildings and structures handed over during the year 2024;
  • Constructions not yet previously submitted to the competition;
  • Designs and procedures may be entered as well.  

The winning project or procedure will be one where the work of companies registered in Estonia and concrete materials supplied from Estonia have played a significant role. When selecting the winner, the jury will consider the professionalism, level of difficulty, quality, and innovation involved in the design and construction of the project. The main prize will be awarded to the author of the winning idea. Recognition will also be given to the client, designer, builder, formwork supplier, concrete product manufacturer, and concrete supplier of the winning project.

See also:

The jury includes representatives from the Estonian Association of Architects, the Estonian

Concrete Association, the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies, the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, Heidelberg Materials Kunda and construction journalism. The competition organizer will convene the jury.

The deadline for submitting entries is December 6, 2024. The winner will be announced at the nation wide Concrete Day in March 2025. The concrete building competition is the oldest construction competition in Estonia, having been organized continuously since 2000, marking its 25th edition this year.

Additional information:

Imre Leetma, Chairman of the Estonian Concrete Association                                               

Phone: +372 505 4447; e-mail:                                

Toomas Vainola, Executive Director of the Estonian Concrete Association,

Phone: +372 648 1918; +372 50 366 50; e-mail: 

Marina Vaganova, Executive Director of the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia
Phone: +372 648 1918; +372 52 25 110; e-mail:

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